Nevada Primary Care Association (formerly Great Basin Primary Care Association) (NVPCA) is the federally designated Primary Care Association for the State of Nevada. NVPCA is dedicated to assisting health centers and other community health providers with the implementation of solid business practices and community-responsive programs in an effort to improve service delivery effectiveness and efficiency. Our work is based on maximizing resources, developing a strong intersection between medical care and public health at the community level, and using sound business sense in developing the capacity to serve those who do not have access to mainstream health care.
We are a non-profit membership organization that was founded in 1995. We serve Section 330 funded and prospective Federally Qualified Health Centers, tribal health centers, other primary care clinics, and community health providers throughout the State of Nevada. These organizations are located in the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, and Las Vegas metropolitan centers, as well as the frontier and rural Nevada counties that make up 87 percent of the state's landmass. NVPCA supports collaboration and coordination among existing health centers and other community health providers to improve and expand access to comprehensive primary care services throughout the state.
Our goal is to provide our members with current and accurate information necessary to service Nevada’s population, including, underserved and low-income residents. The training and technical assistance services we offer include facilitating information exchanges, outreach programs, support services, access to government resources, and speaker symposiums.

Organizational Members
Associate Members
Research Education and Access for Community Health (R.E.A.C.H.)
Silver Springs Hospital District
Primary Care Associations (PCAs) are state or regional nonprofit organizations that provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and other safety-net providers. This T/TA is based on statewide and regional needs to help health centers improve programmatic, clinical, and financial performance and operations. PCAs can help FQHCs and look-alikes plan for the growth of health centers in their state, as well as develop strategies to improve patient health outcomes, and recruit and retain staff.
The Nevada Primary Care Association (NVPCA) is a non-profit membership trade association comprised of health centers and other safety net providers in Nevada. Established in 1995, NVPCA’s mission is “to advocate for, broaden and strengthen the health center network.” NVPCA fulfills its mission by providing technical assistance and training, advocacy and policy, and program management to our members. Our members provide comprehensive, one-stop primary, behavioral and oral health care. Members focus on prevention and chronic disease management designed to ensure the effectiveness of medical care.
Support for NVPCA comes from its membership, federal and state funding awards and other grants and contracts.
Membership Benefits
NVPCA offers its members opportunities to network and works cooperatively with other agencies and associations to develop strategies, policies, and programs that lead to the efficient and effective delivery of primary health care to the underserved.
The association provides technical assistance and training to its members in several areas, including advocacy/policy, workforce, quality and performance improvement, health center development and expansion, and marketing.
Nevada PCA also undertakes special projects with an emphasis on creating opportunities for growth and developing solutions to address its members’ challenges.
Advocacy/Policy: Grassroots advocacy network, State and federal policy and legislative efforts
Data Analysis and Mapping
Patient-Centered Medical Home Consultation
Quality/Performance Improvement: UDS and clinical content standardization and training, Meaningful use, FTCA and HRSA quality requirements, Oral and behavioral health, Pharmacy and 340B
Workforce: Workforce development
Emergency Preparedness
Marketing & Fundraising: Communications, PCA marketing, Health Center Marketing
Health Center Development & Expansion: Planning, Site and Services, New start support, Data Analysis and Mapping
Training and Technical Assistance: Advocacy, Quality and performance improvement, Marketing and fundraising, Health Center development and expansion, Recruitment/Workforce development
Become a Member
Organizations interested in becoming members of NVPCA should contact Nancy Barklage, Director of Administration, at barklagen@nvpca.org. An application and other requested documentation will be reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer of NVPCA. Memberships are organized into three levels: Organizational, Associate, and Corporate. Corporate memberships not available at this time.
Organizational Members of NVPCA are Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), which can be Community Health Centers, Tribal Health Centers, Migrant Health Centers, and Health Care for the Homeless Programs and Health Services for Residents of Public Housing Programs which serve Nevadans, among others and FQHC Look-Alikes. Organizational members are eligible for election to the Board of Directors and selection for membership on board committees. This is a voting membership.
Associate Members of NVPCA are providers of primary health care who do not meet the above criteria to become organizational members; or other organizations that demonstrate a commitment to the mission of NVPCA through programs or activities that support the provision of comprehensive primary health care services to underserved populations regardless of the patient’s ability to pay (e.g., on a sliding fee scale). Associate members are eligible for election to the Board of Directors and selection for membership on board committees. This is a voting membership.
Corporate Members of NVPCA are nonprofit or for-profit entities that have an interest in supporting primary health care services in Nevada and are interested in advocating for and supporting NVPCA’s goals to improve access to health care for Nevada’s underserved populations while improving their health and wellbeing. Corporate members do not participate on the Board of Directors. This is a non-voting membership. Corporate memberships not available at this time.