Nevada Solar For All

Federal Funds for Nevada Solar, Home Energy Efficiency Upgrades in Limbo
from the Nevada Independent
The Nevada Solar for All (NSFA) program helps Nevada households and property owners access solar and reduce their energy costs. Funded by a $156 million federal award, NSFA provides financial and technical assistance to (1) rooftop solar for single-family homeowners, (2) solar for multifamily affordable housing, and (3) community solar projects that benefit low-income households (including renters). Community Solar Projects may be developed and hosted by utilities, municipalities, schools, Tribes, FQHCs, and other commercial property owners. NSFA also supports quality jobs for Nevadans through workforce development and training opportunities.
These funds can be used to reduce utility expenses, improve environmental performance, and improve health, safety, and financial outcomes for businesses and households alike. Nevada Clean Energy Fund has created the Nevada Clean Energy Fund FQHC Pitchbook. This pitchbook is meant to help FQHCs understand two opportunities to use federal clean energy funds and tax credits to improve their building facilities and benefit their communities.