A detailed library of past training events.

Demonstrating the Value of Enabling Services at Health Centers 2.22.22
2021 UDS Training - Part 1
2021 UDS Training - Part 2
NVPCA's Community Connector Overview and Tutorial 2021
Advanced PrEP Implementation in a Primary Care Setting 5.12.2021
Integrating Clinical Pharmacy Services with an FQHC for Health Center Staff and Technicians 4.21.2021
HIV Stigma and LGBT Communities 4.27.2021
Navigating the CMS Emergency Preparedness Final Rule 1.13.2021
Leveraging Health IT for Diabetes 11.05.2020
Addressing Challenging Client Situations with Cultural Humility 8.17.2020
Organizational Culture and Stigma 8.07.2020
A Process of Change: Integrating HIV/STI Prevention in Primary Care Practice 7.28.2020
Introduction to Clinically Integrated Networks & the Discovery Process 7.23.2020
Cancer Prevention Best Practices - Cervical Cancer Screening Refresher 6.26.2020
PRAPARE, HCCN, PCMH, and the Community Connector 6.24.2020
Let's Talk About Sex: What Every Provider Should Know about HIV, STI's and Prevention 6.23.2020
Building Connectedness: Suicide Prevention in Nevada 5.29.2020
Nevada's Community Health Centers TPP COVID Engagement Strategies 5.27.2020
SBIRT Overview and Relevance during COVID-19 5.15.2020
Technology Enablement for Patient Engagement 4.21.2020
Community Connector Tutorial for Providers 12.13.19
Substance Use Disorder and Confidentiality in the Primary Care Setting 8.02.19
Lean SIGMA 6 Trainings (Access Password: NVPCA)
Screening and Intervention Strategies for Adolescent Patients Struggling with Abusive Relationships 5.17.19 ​ Suicide Prevention: Building a Better Suicide Risk Assessment 5.03.19 ​ PRAPARE Training 4.17.19 ​ SBIRT Training 4.03.19 ​ Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Intervening to Increase HPV Uptake 3.26.19 ​ Title X Sub-Grantee Orientation - 2.22.19
The HCH Model: Why Homelessness Exists, and What Health Centers Can Do About It - 2.21.19 ​ Barriers to Accessing and Prescribing HIV Prevention in Nevada - 2.08.19 ​ Open Notes Webinar - 12.13.18 ​ Colorectal Screening Training - 7.12.18 ​ SBIRT Webinar - 4.24.2018 ​ Ask About PrEP Webinar - 2.23.18 ​ Cervical Cancer Screening - 9.20.17 ​ Adolescent Friendly Health Services Webinar - 6.16.16